"The Manifestation Queen"

Journey Of A Dreamer | Featuring Angela Aguirre


Q: You did your first Lifeboard with Tiare in 2013. Can you share with us what those first few years were like developing your Dreamboard with Tiare?

A: Creating my first Dreamboard with Tiare was complimentary to the recently gained clarity I had around discovering my core values. I had completed my Neuro Linguistic Programming certification to become a life coach and that is where I learned about core values, which are what is most important to you. When I met Tiare in 2013 and experienced making my first Dreamboard with her technique, it was transformational. I appreciate the categories and how they represent different facets of one’s life and her approach to helping me get in-touch with my inner-child in order to bring forth insights and recall the people, places and things that bring me joy. The first Lifeboard I made had me excited because I now had a visual representation for concepts like my core values, beliefs and affirmations. I felt expansive and grounded at the same time, a feeling best described as knowing my “why” and believing in ALL the possibilities available to me.


Q: What is one word to describe your manifesting journey?


Q: I know you are someone who tends to think and plan everything through. Intuiting your way through the process and feeling it in your body is also important to you. These are great qualities, but sometimes this work style can keep you stuck, overanalyzing things for example is one roadblock you’ve experienced. How has Tiare, the manifesting generator queen that she is, helped you to execute on your dreams?

A: I have experienced attracting the right people into my life to help me grow and evolve with Tiare being an important one. Meeting her and developing our friendship in the early months of getting to know each other, she encouraged me to do my first workshop, which I had been procrastinating on for over a year. She was a catalyst for me to follow through on something that lit me up but I was paralyzed by over-analysis. I am grateful for our friendship because her enthusiasm and inner certainty: that it will all work out, is infectious and is what helped me to move forward on my dreams. She is great at seeing where there is a “bottle neck” disrupting the momentum of progressing you towards your dreams and she has the tools and motivating enthusiasm to help people move through it. My experience has been that once “on the other side,” I became more confident and empowered to continually grow in my business as well as in my manifesting abilities.  


Q: What is your advice to someone with a similar personality/ work style as you?

A: There is this expression:  “the target attracts the arrow,” for me, the “target” represents what is of most value or what you truly desire in life.  All too often, you focus too much on shooting arrows towards a result that really is missing the point, aka the true “target.”  When I’m clear on my “why” and what it is that I desire to experience or achieve, then this is what pulls forth the arrow to the target and not the other way around. Learning that manifesting is less about doing and more about attracting was a paradigm shift for me. I believe this can be incredibly helpful for others to understand and to experience how to co-create with Source and be “awe-inspired” themselves.

Q: Tiare encourages us to “forget the how” when we are going after our dreams. Focusing on the how is a very masculine approach, and sometimes it can make us overly results driven. How do you tap into the Divine Feminine in your approach to leading workshops and women’s circles?

A: The balance from the dominant masculine approach -especially in our Westernized culture, is important to our overall healing and in learning how to manifest. The Feminine energy reminds us to “forget about the how” because it trusts in the allowing and attraction when working with Source energy. Personally, having my daily practice that includes mindful movement like: stretching, dance and even running a mile every single day, has become a daily devotion to be intentional with the Feminine approach of being in my body. There is a reframe I make on doing a daily practice, where it is more about being, because I have a daily practice… another way that I describe this is: “a daily practice is not just something you do, it is someone you become.”Along with this, having a supportive network of girlfriends and “soul sisters” in my community keeps me part of the collective feminine energy which is nurturing and empowering. To have a community where we hold space for each other’s highs and lows feels like the most nourishing soil from which anything can grow and thrive from. It is possible to cultivate these kind of relationships with other women and it begins with the clarity of what is important to you in friendships as well as the vulnerability to let others see you in your growth.  We are meant to have a tribe/collective approach to “doing life” and remembering this can help to prioritize that into our lives. The healing ways of the Feminine energy reminds us to care for the collective, to nurture through understanding and the quality of the attention you give to yourself as well as others. It is about the integrated “whole” both on an individual level, as well as on a global collective scale. This is why I am a commitment to collaborate with others, like I am doing with Tiare with Soul Luxe Sisterhood. We both have a shared intention to combine our resources and coaching specialties to help create a sisterhood-like community that is both sustained online support with live workshops as well as beautiful retreats. It is a joy to work together with Tiare on this and very exciting. 


Q: You mentioned that you are not using social media much anymore. You’ve also booked big corporate jobs, for example with Disney, not even having a website at the time. Can you remind us the importance of expanding our minds to the infinite possibilities of attaining work outside the digital world?

A: My answer to this builds more on what I shared above with the healing ways of the Feminine energy. When I trust that my message will reach whom it needs to reach and I focus more on the clarity of my “why” and infuse everything I post with my intention, then I will attract exactly who it is meant to reach. I used to beat myself up over not having social media strategy and consistently creating and posting content. I no longer do that. I enjoy not being on my phone and social media that much anymore. What I rely on is word-of-mouth promotions. I tend to the community that I’ve already created and so proud to belong to because it has created a thriving garden. I place more of my attention with personal invitations and less on social media. I’m putting into practice the importance placed on proximity and the depth of healthy thriving relationship vs. casting a wide net. This is how I got booked for the Disney corporate workshops, it was from the experience that an executive had at one of my Women’s Circles because of a friend bringing her. I trust in the rhythm I choose to create when posting to my social media and feels like I am sharing vs. selling. I trust that people can feel that distinction. 

Q: How do you feel now that your time on social media has been limited? What have been some perks and benefits for you? Any drawbacks?

A: All perks. No drawbacks. I feel more creative and enjoy freeing up more of my time. I notice I read more books again and have recently started making playlists on my Spotify account (@imwiththedeejay)  and returning to my love for curating a vibe through music playlists. I think I spend the most time on Spotify now, but it is a win/win because everyone in my family is dancing more in the kitchen. 

Q: Can you lead us through how you might prepare for your workshops, women’s circles, and public speaking events? What has helped you to stay grounded, mentally calm, or deal with any anxiety/ stress/ nerves?

A: Having a consistent daily practice is the primer that keeps me prepared and resourced to hold the collective energy…whether in Circles, speaking events or workshops. I’ll share that this is my “secret” that works for me and how to show-up in the world and interact with others from a place of overflow vs. burnout, depletion, or unenthusiastic obligation. Every single day, I have a daily devotion that prioritizes an intentional check-in with how I am feeling in my body and with my emotions. Having a practice that awakens the energy in my body as well as meditation and mindfulness practices, helps create the small deposit I make every day that result in a compound effect with big shifts over time. I feel grounded, have increased mental clarity, feel in-tune with my body and present to my emotions… I also feel empowered because I prioritized this self-care even when life gets chaotic or busy. There is this expression: “the healthier the tree, the more fruit it can provide,” and having a daily practice is what helps me share my “fruit” with others from a joyful and resourced energy-state. 


Q: The journey of a dreamer is not always a clear or easy path. How do you stay true to your dreams?

A: This is such a relevant question right now, given the last two years and the reality of the times we are currently living in. What has helped me to stay on this path, is having a gratitude practice. I love this daily journal called, The Five-Minute Journal, because it has simple prompts to help focus-in on what I am grateful for - morning and night. Keeping my attention on finding things to be grateful for was the antidote for worry, despair and grief… all things I strongly felt during 2020 - 2021. I know so many of us felt (or, still feel) the same way. During that time, I did not have the hope or clarity of vision because of the instability of multiple crises we are facing and so the practice became more about finding gratitude and letting those close to me see me in my despair. It was the mindful practice of finding gratitude as well as, rest and the support and connection with others that helped me navigate a bumpy and overwhelming emotional period. I can now reflect on this and know that it was this that helped me heal and come out the other side feeling supported and, on a path to feeling more resourced to now help others. A good reminder: “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” - E. Brown


Finding The Right Images for Your Dreamboard


Dreaming with Joy